Go Green Lalibela - Community Based Support

Social Responsibility
All of the staff at Maribela Hotel come from the local vicinity and many come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The hotel has trained and assisted them, and in turn, they have brought great energy and enthusiasm to the work. We hope translates to a positive and uplifting experience for our guests.
Environmental responsibility
At Maribela, we want to be as environmentally conscious as we can, and as well as investing in the local community, we intend to improve our local environment.
We already spend a portion of our profits to assist local reforestation efforts. So far, we've taken ownership of an 800sqm barren piece of land in the local vicinity and our staff have volunteered to plant trees and revegetate the area. Since 2017, we've planted 2000 trees and other drought tolerant flowering plants.
Ask our receptionists about it, it's only a short walk away from the hotel, and is a slowly growing into a beautifully vegetated mountain park. Once you arrive, make sure to take a moment to relax and take in the local scenery.